Microservices orchestration - Zeebe
Opensource microservice orchestration engine, implemented in highly scalable, highly performant and fault tolerant way using state of the art, proven technology building blocks
Using Raft protocol for consensus and replication
Using RocksDB, an embeddable high performance key-value store, for its persistency
All process instances are auditable, and audit records can be sent to Elasticsearch or Kafka
Using an efficient, high performance binary protocol (gRPC) for the clients to connect and receive tasks for execution
Workflow definition
BPMN 2.0, YAML - provides integrators with an easy to use tool to customize workflows
Visual workflow representation
Yes, BPMN workflows are both executable and have visual representation
State storage for active workflow instances
Stored on the machines running Zeebe using embedded RocksDB (no external storage required)
Horizontally scalable via partitions (no DB bottleneck)
Fault tolerance
Yes, via replication factor (3 node, 1 can fail, or 5 node and 2 can fail)
Supported programming languages
Ships with Java and Go clients, plus NodeJS, C# and Ruby clients available, using gRPC for the clients
Historic workflow data
Can be streamed to storage systems via exporters (Elasticsearch and Apache Kafka is available). Complete auditable log.
Important features
Timers surviving node failures without interruption
Correlation of incoming messages to existing workflow instances across the cluster nodes
Capability to handle non correlating cases - important for cross payment hub engine flows
Handle failover situation without interruption (3 nodes: 1 can fail, or 5 nodes: 2 can fail) - utilizing Raft protocol for consensus, hand over “leadership” in case failed nodes and replication of state
Focus on system integrators
BPMN let implementation team focus on the business flow changes inside the given DFSP, making adoption and customization much easier
Multi programming language support for component implementation, let implementation team to create the necessary connector components in any of the supported languages, the engine is able to orchestrate the steps. (e.g. multiple AMS integration is required), using gRPC protocol for efficient communication
Connector components are stateless, easy and simple implementation
No additional components required in the realtime engines, no databases to maintain, all active process states are stored in the embedded RocksDB data store. Auditlogs, and other events are stored in Kafka clusters before storing them
Scalability - using partitioning (sharding), the system scales horizontally to create thousands of workflow instances per second
Fault tolerance enables, that system recovers from a failure without data loss, and using replication to define the number of copies for all instances In case of failures, “leader election” is taking place for the given partitions to continue operations uninterrupted (using Raft Consensus and Replication Protocol)
Last updated
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