We have created a Hello World Zeebe project, to help familiarization for those new to working with Zeebe. The project implements a bpmn consisting of service and receive tasks, an exclusive gateway containing a conditional and default path, and a timeout event, resulting in a simple introduction to core concepts used in the various payment hub bpmn workflows.
3. Clone the zeebe-docker-compose repository from github. This will allow you to run zeebe, camunda operate, kafka and elasticsearch in a docker container
5. Run maven package in the ph-ee-exporter project, to generate a jar exporter-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar and note the absolute path of this jar and kafka-clients-2.4.0.jar on your computer
6. Navigate to zeebe-docker-compose/operate
$ cd zeebe-docker-compose/operate
7. Replace the contents of the docker-compose.yml file with the following:
8. Replace lines 29 and 30 with the absolute path of exporter-1.0.0- SNAPSHOT.jar and kafka-clients-2.4.0.jar on your computer, in the indicated positions
9. Start docker within zeebe-docker-compose/operate with the force-recreate option enabled to ensure docker runs with the new docker- compose.yml file
$ docker-compose up --force-recreate
The following steps are only necessary if you wish to use kafka-tool to view kafka messages:
11. Add a new cluster, with Kafka Cluster Version 2.4. Zookeeper Host should be localhost and Zookeeper Port should be 2181. In advanced settings, set broker to localhost:9094.
Running the Zeebe demo
1. Clone the repository for the zeebe demo application