DevOps Tooling for Deployment

DevOps tooling for the deployment of the platform and Payment Hub EE.

This page describes the DevOps tooling for the deployment of the platform and Payment Hub EE.

Kubernetes and Helm Charts

The Payment Hub EE is deployed using Helm charts (the Kubernetes package manager, see For a successful deployment users needs a basic understanding of how Helm charts work in general.

The Payment Hub EE is supported on Kubernetes clusters running on Microsoft Azure by default. For deploying to other k8s clusters, the Azure Container Registry authentication needs to get configured, following the documentation here:

Zeebe command line tools (the zbctl binary) is also required for deploying the BPMN workflows. This is part of the Zeebe releases and can be downloaded from the Zeebe release page at

Zeebe microservice orchestration engine includes:

  • Zeebe brokers

  • Gateway service

  • Elasticsearch

  • Kibana

  • Zeebe Operate monitoring UI

Certainly all these components have various Kubernetes objects (ReplicationSets, Services, Ingresses, etc). The Helm chart wraps all this complexity into a single package and allows a single-command deployment, as we will see very soon.

Terraform and Deployment

Terraform scripts are used to deploy to AWS and Azure.

Last updated