With G2P Sandbox chart v1.5.0, Released on 24th March 2024
ph-ee-connector-channel: v1.11.0
[PHEE-526] Fix for BPMN 500 issue
[PHEE-556] Fix BPMN name in channel configuration
[PHEE-542] Convert get-txnState-correlationId Camel route to spring
[GOV-78] Fix for batch ID header
[PHEE-583] Voucher paymentMobality not found
[PHEE-568] Updated destination to include new tenant for payee FSP for MM
ph-ee-importer-rdbms: v1.13.0, v1.13.1
[PHEE-552] Duplication of batch and transfers record resolved
[PHEE-619] HOTFIX: payer fsp fix
ph-ee-importer-es: 1.14.0
No changes
ph-ee-operations-app: v1.17.0, v1.17.1
[PHEE-554] Auto-generate json web test Signature in Postman for bulk APIs
[PHEE-624] Update sha algorithm, java version 8 -> 11 operations app
[PHEE-636] Fix operation app GET transfers API 500 error.
ph-ee-connector-slcb: v1.5.0
No changes
ph-ee-zeebe-ops: v1.4.0
No changes
ph-ee-operations-web: v1.16.0, v1.20.0
[PHEE-477] Create an orb that fetches the docker images and do helm upgrade
[PHEE-551] Get Operations-web up and running
Voucher management for creating voucher
[GOV-570] New Batch and Voucher creation views added
[GOV-570] Batch, SubBatches and Transfers flows added
[PHEE-606] Update setup_remote_docker version for CircleCI
[GOV-570] Batch, SubBatches and Transfers flow - added
ph-ee-bulk-processor: v1.12.0
[PHEE-533] Fix for BPMN 500 issue
[PHEE-535] Extract content type boundary logic fix
[PHEE-547] Convert batch-account-lookup camel route to Java/Spring
[PHEE-578] Convert FileRoute to Java/Spring
[PHEE-560] Reduce Memory Consumption of reported services
[PHEE-581] Fixed 404 issue in aggregate worker
[PHEE-582] FileProcessingRoute to Java/Spring in bulk
[PHEE-594] Fix Mojaloop testcases
[PHEE-586] Convert BD-003 camel routes to Java/Spring
[PHEE-587] Convert BD-011 routes to Java/Spring
ph-ee-exporter: v1.2.0
No changes
ph-ee-connector-ams-paygops: v1.6.1
No changes
ph-ee-connector-ams-pesa: v1.3.1
No changes
ph-ee-connector-mpesa: v1.7.0
[PHEE-477] Create an orb that fetches the docker images and do helm upgrade
ph-ee-notifications: v1.4.0
[PHEE-412] jdk version changed
[GOV-134] Enable liveness and readiness
[PHEE-477] Create an orb that fetches the docker images and do a helm upgrade
[GOV-134] Fix liveness and readiness issues
ph-ee-connector-common: v1.8.1
[PHEE-535] Extract content type boundary logic fix.
ph-ee-connector-ams-mifos: v1.7.0
[PHEE-560] Reduce Memory Consumption of reported services
[PHEE-588] Fix AMS failing test cases from AMS connector
ph-ee-connector-mojaloop-java: v1.5.0
[PHEE-560] Reduce Memory Consumption of reported services
ph-ee-identity-account-mapper: v1.6.0
[PHEE-560] Reduce Memory Consumption of reported services
[GOV-60] Adding Validations for create and update beneficiary APIs
ph-ee-connector-mock-payment-schema: v1.6.0
[PHEE-549] Memory Optimisation of Mock Payment Schema
[PHEE-560] Reduce Memory Consumption of reported services
ph-ee-connector-gsma-mm: v1.3.0
No changes
message-gateway: v1.2.0
[GOV-134] Enable liveness and readiness
[PHEE-477] Create an orb that fetches the docker images and do helm upgrade
ph-ee-vouchers: v1.3.0, v1.3.1
[PHEE-521] Fix for BMPN 500 issue
[PHEE-508] Validations for Create Voucher API
[PHEE-583] Voucher paymentModality not found.
[PHEE-560] Reduce Memory Consumption of reported services
[PHEE-583] Voucher paymentMobality not found.
[PHEE-596] Enable callback for voucher redeem and pay and transfer status fix.
[PHEE-510] Voucher Lifecycle Management APIs Validations
[PHEE-605] make Redeem and pay work with the externalLookup flag
[PHEE-608] Separate voucher callback part from check-transfer-status worke
[PHEE-606] Update setup_remote_docker version for CircleCI
[PHEE-598] Create Missing check for voucher isUtilized
[PHEE-616] Fix InstructionID conflict issue and modify fetch voucher DTO
ph-ee-connector-crm: v1.1.0
[GOV-83] Changes for P2G NonRTP Test Cases added
ph-ee-bill-pay: v1.1.0
[GOV-83] Chnages for P2G NonRTP Test cases
[GOV-83] Changes for P2G RTP Negative Tests
[PHEE-566] Adding Checkstyle, Error-prone and Spotless Apply
ph-ee-connector-bulk: v1.1.0
[GOV-75] Adding circleci config and dockerfile
[GOV-83] P2G RTP
[PHEE-552] Updated Sub-Batch Id assigned.
ph-ee-integration-test: v1.6.0, v1.6.1, v1.6.2,
[PHEE-513] Automate Mojaloop initial setup steps
[GOV-134] Adding the actuator API test cases
[PHEE-307] Resolve checkstyle errors manually and update gradle command in CI
[PHEE-538] Intergation test code refactoring
[PHEE-532] Test Batch transfer with Mojaloop
[PHEE-508] Integration test for create voucher validation
[GOV-83] Added TC for P2G negative scenarios
[PHEE-552] GOV-75 Bulk Transfer
[GOV-83] P2G RTP Negative Tests
[PHEE-542] Integration Test for Channel Get Txn
[PHEE-574] Bulk flaky TCs fix and Use Await instead of thread sleep
[GOV-78] TC for GSMA P2P with Batch
[PHEE-568] Configure tenants
[PHEE-576] Automate registering beneficiary from csv file
[PHEE-580] Update fineract FSP ids in intergation test
[PHEE-592] Optimize time taken
[PHEE-595] Update the identifiers as prefix for the TCs
[PHEE-594] fix mojaloop testcases
[PHEE-510] Integration test for Voucher Lifecycle Management APIs
[PHEE-592] Optimize time taken
[GOV-60] IAM Test case
[GOV-78a] Batch with different payers
[PHEE-614]Change payment mode to remove slcb
[PHEE-614] Voucher test fix by including scenario-scope
[PHEE-614] batch HOT FIX
[PHEE-635] Fix GTX-001 and GTX-002 integration test
[HOT FIX] added BP003A test case
ph-ee-env-labs: v1.5.0
[PHEE-540] Update Operations-App Ingress url with service name
[PHEE-551] Get Operations-web up and running
PHEE-555 Disable post_installation job
[PHEE-548] Update services.txt with integration-test image
[GOV-83] BPMN Update for P2G NonRTP TCs
[PHEE-552] BPMN updated for bulk closed loop DFSPID
[GOV-83] Changes
[PHEE-570] create g2p-sandbox-fynarfin-demo chart
[PHEE-570] create g2p-sandbox-fynarfin-demo chart
[PHEE-575] Archived BPMNs that won't be picked up
[PHEE-569] Tenants configurations for g2p-sandbox chart
[PHEE-584] Fix the DFSP IDs work around from SIT chart
[PHEE-585] Fixed retry logic in bulk_processor_account_lookup BPMN
[PHEE-588] Fix BPMN for AMS TCs
[PHEE-594] fix for mojaloop testcases
[PHEE-596] Enable callback for voucher redeem and pay and transfer status fix.
[PHEE-571] Check for the elastic-certificates.p12 file
[PHEE-571] Disable docker and save p12 file
[PHEE-571] Update Kibana makefile
ph-ee-env-template: v1.13.0 with g2pSandbox v1.5.0
[PHEE-531] merge-back-hotfixes-from release to master
[PHEE-536] Enable kafka external access
[PHEE-524] Run helm test as part of CI
[PHEE-539] Make Kafka work with replica count 1
[PHEE-540] Update Operations-App Ingress URL with service name in Cha…
[PHEE-551] Get Operations-web up and running
[PHEE-554] Auto generate JSON web test Signature in Postman for bulk APIs
[PHEE-548] Ephemeral Instance for PH deployment and helm test
[PHEE-548] Ephemeral Instance Helm test fix
[PHEE-548] integration-test-image-config
[PHEE-548] integration-test-report-fetch-fix
[PHEE-569] Configure tenants
[PHEE-545] Make agg dashboard generic
[PHEE-583] Voucher paymentModality not found
[PHEE-560] Reduce Memory Consumption of 6 reported services
[PHEE-599] Update Postman Collection ENVs for Demo-NS
[PHEE-601] Include the HTTP headers in its response to allow CORS
[PHEE-604] Fixed voucher and IAM APIs collection
[PHEE-571] Fix Post_installation_job
[PHEE-612] Run int-test on the tag and fetch the report
Last updated
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