Released on 7 September 2023
ph-ee-connector-channel: v1.8.0
GOV-134 Enable liveness and readiness
GOV-202 Added worker to support transfer for voucher workflow
GOV-265: Fixed broken API origin filter
PHEE-249 Parameterize collection payment scheme
PHEE-404 Use tenant & useCase config to get the flow for channel collection API
PHEE-386,373 Update circle CI config with integration test and host charts, Upgraded the gradle command in CI config
PHEE-422 added minimalMockTransferRequest configuration
ph-ee-importer-rdbms: v1.6.0
GOV-223 Added logic to parse registeringInstituteId, payer identifier & clientCorrelationId
PHEE-422 Added BPMN minimal_mack_transfer_request
GOV-517 Adding minimal mock fund transfer account lookup BPMN
ph-ee-operations-app: v1.7.0
PHEE-386,373 Update circle CI config with integration test and host charts
GOV 223 Update batch API (Added new API/batch with offset, limit, sort, and date filter.)
GOV-158 Added PaymentStatusCheck API
GOV-302 Fix for Null pointer in fix for GOV-302:Async file validation test case
ph-ee-connector-slcb: v1.4.0
GOV-527 CircleCI build and push docker-image to docker hub
ph-ee-connector-common; v1.6.0
GOV 289.1: Implemented JWS Interceptor
GOV 289: Included the webMvcConfig for adding interceptor, and configured the x509 certificate
GOV-417: Update Error Dto for GOV-417
GOV 293: Implemented the JWS for the response part
GOV: 293 JWS implementation for callback scenario
GOV- 267 Changing custom data type to array
PHEE-347 Updated Jfrog URLs in all payment hub services.
PHEE-307 Added formatting and styling
GOV-301: Add batch authorization request and response
GOV-289 Bug fixes in parsing empty payload
GOV-325: Update transfer class with error information and other fields
PHEE-413 Fixed the bug while verifying the signature in the interceptor
PHEE-420 Fixed: Extra newline while verifying signature
Voucher DTOs added
Identity Account Mapper DTO
Upgrade Zeebe to 8.1.1
Patch-RELEASE-1.4.0: Fixed the bug in the WebMvcConfig boot
ph-ee-bulk-processor: v1.8.0
GOV 285: Camel APIs are wrapped by Spring REST APIs for documentation
GOV-255: Added configuration for programId / registeringInstituteId
GOV-158: Request ID mapped to client correlation id in child flow
GOV 287 Enabled liveness and readiness for the key auth story
GOV-285 Fixed multiple regression issues in bulk
PHEE-415 Implemented the JSON-based batch REST API and improved code quality by Optimising imports
PHEE-420 Updated the connector-common version
PHEE-427: Channel service is HTTPS hence making the default hostname to use HTTPS
ph-ee-identity-account-mapper: v1.3.0
GOV-527 Fix workflow for the latest image
GOV-324 Batch Account Lookup, Adding Validation field account lookup
GOV-556 API compliance annotations added
Fetch All/One Beneficiaries APIs for UI integrations
ph-ee-connector-mock-payment-schema: v1.3.0
GOV-301: Mock async authorization API added, Removed unused attribute bulk processor contact point
GOV-556:API Compliance annotations added
PHEE-422 add workers for minimalMockTransferRequest
ph-ee-vouchers: v1.0.0
GOV-198 An API to pre-activate the voucher and get a voucher number, a voucher serial number, and an expiry date
GOV-194 An external API to Voucher pre-activate: An API call to pre-activate the voucher and get a voucher number, a voucher serial number, and an expiry date.
GOV-195 An external API: Voucher activate: An API call to activate the vouchers by serial number.
GOV-199 An Internal API to Voucher activation: A call to activate the voucher, by serial number
GOV-310 Voucher uniqueness and randomness: Voucher pin must be unique and unpredictable
GOV-309 Create Voucher and Activate Voucher
PHEE-347 update Jfrog URLs in all payment hub repo
GOV-527 Adding circle CI config for pushing images to Docker-hub
GOV-196 An external API: Voucher validity: An API call to check the validity of a voucher by serial number.
GOV-200 An Internal API to check the validity of the voucher by serial number
GOV-201 An Internal API to check the validity of the voucher by voucher number and group
GOV-197 An external API to redeem the voucher by voucher number
GOV-313 Expose APIs that can be invoked by voucher serial number for purposes of querying a voucher, suspending or unsuspending a voucher
GOV-314 Support an API that can be invoked to redeem a voucher or cancel a voucher before redemption using the voucher number.
GOV-202 An Internal API to consume the voucher by voucher number
GOV-191 Voucher redemption to effect the payment in the merchant or agent wallet or bank account
GOV-556: API Compliance changes added
ph-ee-env-template: v1.10.0 ~( v1.10.0-rc.1)
GOV-301 Added ingress for mock payment schema
PHEE-395 Added environment variables for Zeebe contact point and mock failure percentage
GOV-289 TLS enabled for bulk processor
PHEE-401 Fixed mock payment configurations
PHEE-383 StorageclassName for external dependencies updated
PHEE-401 Fixed Mock payment schema and IAM services configuration issue
GOV-517 Fixed Deployment file fix for Identity Account Mapper
GOV-313 Vouchers deployment files added
PHEE-411 Fixed Postman collection import issue
GOV 285: New g2p-sandbox-security chart added
Gov 285 Added Postgres database for Kong
GOV 287: Removed the nginx annotation for bulk in the g2p-sandbox chart and updated to Kong
PHEE-417 Upgrade Kubernetes version 1.24 to 1.27
GOV-437 Global parameters to re-use in multiple locations
PHEE-425 Fixed-Not able to disable Redis config for channel-connector
Fixed Operations-app Spring_profile_Active configuration
ph-ee-integration-test: v1.3.0 ~(v1.3.0-rc.1)
PHEE 402: Made existing integration test work after Spring REST wrapper for camel APIs are added
GOV-255 Added test case for the story
GOV -364 Identity mapper tests updations
GOV-527 Image build and push to Dockerhub, Bulk contact point changed to ingress, instead of service name
GOV-362 Identity Account Mapper Test
GOV-287.6 Added integration test for key-auth in bulk-processor service with transaction count and success count: Includes integration test for batch processing with minimal mock fund transfer. Verifies the total transaction count is equal to the successful transaction count.
GOV-313 Voucher Integration Test
Fetch beneficiary API tests in AMS
GOV 223: Added 4 integration tests for the story
PHEE-416 Labelling and Mapping of TC identifiers according to API test cases sheet
PHEE-408 Channel Collection API config update integration test
GOV-302:Fix for failing asynchronous file validation test case
PHEE-415: Added test case for the batch rest-based
GOV-158 Integration tests
Ngrok was added for handling callbacks
Last updated
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