
Hotfix Released on 11 December 2023

This release contains ph-ee-engine version v1.11.1 and corresponding g2pSandbox version 1.3.1

ph-ee-bulk-processor: v1.10.0

  • GOV-389 Subscribe to an eventType logic added

  • GOV:325 Implementation of de-duplication story

  • Patch Gov-325: Renamed the Zeebe variable duplicate file to failedTxnFile

  • [PHEE-477] Create an orb that fetches the docker images and does a helm upgrade for CI

ph-ee-zeebe-ops: v1.3.0

  • [PHEE-477] Create an orb that fetches the docker images and does helm upgrade (CI) changes

  • [PHEE-499] Worker DFSPIDs all workflow is to be replaced with tenant while uploading

ph-ee-env-template: v1.11.1


  • [PHEE-502] HOTFIX for integration test

  • G2P sandbox issues are fixed to make it installable

Additional Notes

Last updated