
With G2P Sandbox chart v1.4.0, Released on 10th Jan 202

ph-ee-connector-channel: v1.10.0

  • [GOV-78]Fix for P2P

    • Ability for the government to make a payment to an individual with a MoMo account where the MoMo is a participant of Mojaloop Switch or GSMA Standard

  • [GOV-134] Fix liveness and readiness issues

    • Pods in PHEE clusters need a holistic set of Health checks. Currently, the health checks miss certain indicators of an unhealthy state, this ticket intends to enumerate ALL (or as many as possible) root causes and configure Probes to handle the detection of these causes.

  • [PHEE-477] CI : Create an orb that fetches the docker images and does helm upgrade, CI: fix for docker build

  • [PHEE-490] CI: Publish helm chart with jira ticket from Circleci

  • [PHEE-512] CI: Provide a release for the mifos Circleci orb

ph-ee-importer-rdbms: v1.12.0

  • [G2PCCODV-49] Kafka stream for importer importer rdbms

  • [G2PCCODV-50] include Gov-360, Gov-325 update, Added inflight parsers, and batch workflows migrated with Kafka streams

    • Generate sub-batches for individual participants after de-bulking the Single Credit Transfer batch file for pre-validation & clearing

    • Deduplication: Batch files containing duplicate payments will not be processed and an error will be generated.

ph-ee-importer-es: 1.14.0

  • [G2PCCODV-50] update kKfka version to support Kafka Streams

    • Generate sub-batches for individual participants after de-bulking the Single Credit Transfer batch file for pre-validation & clearing

    • Deduplication: Batch files containing duplicate payments will not be processed and an error will be generated.

  • [PHEE-477] CI: Create an orb that fetches the docker images and do Helm upgrade

ph-ee-operations-app: v1.14.0

  • GOV-425 Changes added

    • Report to see details inside a Payment Batch for Sub-Batch and Transaction Level detail

  • [PHEE-486] Ops app API to fetch list of variables by transaction

  • [PHEE-490] CI: Publish helm chart with jira ticket from Circleci

  • [PHEE-477] CI: Create an orb that fetches the docker images and do helm upgrade

  • [PHEE-512] CI: Provide a release for the Mifos Circleci orb.

  • [PHEE-498] Update Ops app variable API to check transaction ID in transaction-Request table as well

  • [PHEE-494] FIXED: change naming convention to camelcase

  • [GOV-134] Fix liveness and readiness issues

    • Pods in PHEE cluster need a holistic set of Health checks. Currently, the health checks miss certain indicators of an unhealthy state, this ticket intends to enumerate ALL (or as many as possible) root causes and configure Probes to handle the detection of these causes.

ph-ee-zeebe-ops: v1.4.0

  • [GOV-134] Fix liveness and readiness issues

    • Pods in PHEE cluster need a holistic set of Health checks. Currently, the health checks miss certain indicators of an unhealthy state, this ticket intends to enumerate ALL (or as many as possible) root causes and configure Probes to handle the detection of these causes.

ph-ee-bulk-processor: v1.11.0

  • [PHEE-494] Add Minio to the ph ee engine helm chart

  • [PHEE-515] invalid bulk processor host name in service

  • [PHEE-522] Create Sync callback functionality in bulk

  • [GOV-324] Batch Account Lookup

    • Batch files should be verified for any errors and validated as per business rules and regulations before it is accepted as a valid bulk payment file.

  • [PHEE-522] Create Sync callback functionality in bulk

ph-ee-connector-common: v1.8.0

  • [PHEE-479] Added jws builder for creating json web signature

  • [PHEE-492] Modify ErrorDTO for Error Aggregation

  • [PHEE-421] Deploy to artifact through CircleCI

  • [PHEE-504] Add generic validatorBuilder

  • [PHEE-505] Add PaymentHub Error Codes

  • [PHEE-507] Modify ValidatorBuilder and Version

ph-ee-connector-ams-mifos: v1.6.0

  • [PHEE-482] Updated FSPIDs

  • [PHEE-477] CI Create an orb that fetches the docker images and do helm upgrade

  • [GOV-134] Fix liveness and readiness build issues

    • Pods in PHEE cluster need a holistic set of Health checks. Currently, the health checks miss certain indicators of an unhealthy state, this ticket intends to enumerate ALL (or as many as possible) root causes and configure Probes to handle the detection of these causes.

ph-ee-connector-mojaloop-java: v1.4.0

  • [PHEE-477] Create an orb that fetches the docker images and do helm upgrade

  • [PHEE-496] phee-488 add callback url option in ml connector for lookup, quotation and transfer

  • [GOV-134] Fix liveness and readiness issues

    • Pods in PHEE cluster need a holistic set of Health checks. Currently, the health checks miss certain indicators of an unhealthy state, this ticket intends to enumerate ALL (or as many as possible) root causes and configure Probes to handle the detection of these causes.

ph-ee-identity-account-mapper: v1.5.0

  • [PHEE-477] CI Create an orb that fetches the docker images and do helm upgrade

ph-ee-connector-mock-payment-schema: v1.5.0

  • [PHEE-477] Create an orb that fetches the docker images and do helm upgrade

  • Add log to print callback url for testing authorization integration test

ph-ee-connector-gsma-mm: v1.3.0

  • [PHEE-477] Create an orb that fetches the docker images and do helm upgrade

  • [GOV-78] Fix for P2P

    • Ability for the government to make a payment to an individual with a MoMo account where the MoMo is a participant of Mojaloop Switch or GSMA Standard

  • [GOV-134] Fix liveness and readiness issues

    • Pods in PHEE cluster need a holistic set of Health checks. Currently, the health checks miss certain indicators of an unhealthy state, this ticket intends to enumerate ALL (or as many as possible) root causes and configure Probes to handle the detection of these causes.

ph-ee-vouchers: v1.2.0

  • [PHEE-477] Create an orb that fetches the docker images and do helm upgrade

  • [GOV-134] Enable liveness and readiness

    • Pods in PHEE cluster need a holistic set of Health checks. Currently, the health checks miss certain indicators of an unhealthy state, this ticket intends to enumerate ALL (or as many as possible) root causes and configure Probes to handle the detection of these causes.

  • [GOV-279] Encryption Logic for the voucher secret number

    • The audit trail shall comply with the following requirements: Audit entries, should have a pair of fields to store encrypted data and the encryption key id - these are provided by the submitting BCs.

ph-ee-connector-crm: v1.0.0

  • [GOV-83] CI Circle ci for CRM added, P2G Connector CRM created

    • Ability for an individual to pay a government from a bank account (API)

ph-ee-bill-pay: v1.0.0

  • [GOV-83] P2G Bill Pay service created, P2G RTP added, Circle ci for bill pay by added.

    • Ability for an individual to pay a government from a bank account (API)

ph-ee-env-labs: v1.4.0

  • [Gov 325] De duplication worker added

    • Deduplication: Batch files containing duplicate payments will not be processed and an error will be generated.

  • [PHEE-477] Create an orb that fetches the docker images and do helm upgrade

  • [PHEE-484] g2p-sandbox-fynarfin-SIT is not using docker latest image

  • [PHEE-491] Operations-chart-grafana-version fixed

  • [PHEE-490] Publish helm chart with jira ticket from circleci

  • [PHEE-500] Apply check for chart availability during deployment

  • [PHEE-496] Update ml-connector config

  • [Phee-499] Fixed: Worker DFSPIDs in inbound-ams-mifo.bpmn workflow is not changing while uploading

  • [PHEE-506] Wrong chart is used in g2p-security-chart

  • [PHEE-512] Provide a release for the mifos circleci orb

  • [PHEE-519] Update payer fund transfer-related BPMNs

  • [GOV-83] P2G bpmns - process workflows, Added services in service, P2G manifest override, Connector added ( bulk connector), Changing docker image for ph-ee-connector

    • Ability for an individual to pay a government from a bank account (API)

  • [GOV-324] Adding bulk processor account lookup bpmn

    • Batch files should be verified for any errors and validated as per business rules and regulations before it is accepted as a valid bulk payment file.

  • [PHEE-494] Add Minio to the ph ee engine helm chart - on prim object storage to replace AWS S3

  • [G2PCCODV-50] Update Kafka and Importer Rdbms - Kafka Streams

    • Generate sub-batches for individual participants after de-bulking the Single Credit Transfer batch file for pre-validation & clearing

    • Deduplication: Batch files containing duplicate payments will not be processed and an error will be generated.

  • [PHEE-503] Post installation job for configuring secrets and BPMN to avoid manual steps

ph-ee-env-template: v1.12.0 with G2P Sandbox chart 1.4.0

  • [PHEE-478] Added bucket name and region as env param

  • [PHEE-481] Added payment hub key cloak realm configuration and related documentation

  • [PHEE-477] CI Create an orb that fetches the docker images and do a helm upgrade

  • [PHEE-490] CI Publish helm chart with Jira ticket from Circleci

  • [PHEE-483] Update upstream with Release version v1.11.0 changes

  • [phee-490]CI Fixed: Image invalid format issue

  • [PHEE-493] Update the pod termination grace period and liveness/readiness period

  • [PHEE-477] CI Fixed: using the latest image instead of the jira-tag image

  • [PHEE-500] Apply check for chart availability during deployment.

  • [PHEE-496] Updated Mojaloop-connector config

  • [PHEE-498] Add ops app variable API in postman collection

  • [PHEE-501] Adding the placeholder for the termination grace period\

  • [PHEE-506] CI: Fixed wrong chart is used in g2p-security-chart

  • [PHEE-512] CI: Provide a release for the Mifos Circleci orb

  • [PHEE-515] Invalid bulk processor hostname in service

  • [PHEE-516] Change mock payment schema service spec type to load balancer

  • [GOV-83] P2G K8s manifests, Enable closed loop

    • Ability for an individual to pay a government from a bank account (API)

  • [GOV-425] Operations app reconciliation APIs to postman collection.

    • Report to see details inside a Payment Batch for Sub-Batch and Transaction Level detail

  • [GOV-134] Updated the service and ingress for services to work with the actuator

    • Pods in PHEE cluster need a holistic set of Health checks. Currently, the health checks miss certain indicators of an unhealthy state, this ticket intends to enumerate ALL (or as many as possible) root causes and configure Probes to handle the detection of these causes.

  • [PHEE-494] Add-minio-to-helm-chart for on prim object storage

  • [GOV-279] Fixed Resolved conflict in potman collection

    • The audit trail shall comply with the following requirements: Audit entries, should have a pair of fields to store encrypted data and the encryption key id - these are provided by the submitting BCs.

  • [G2PCCODV-50] upgraded Kafka version to add support for Kafka streams.

    • Generate sub-batches for individual participants after de-bulking the Single Credit Transfer batch file for pre-validation & clearing

    • Deduplication: Batch files containing duplicate payments will not be processed and an error will be generated.

  • [PHEE-503] Post configuration job to Automate secret creation and deploy BPMN to avoid manual configuration steps after helm install

ph-ee-integration-test: v1.5.0

  • [GOV-425] Integration Test

    • Report to see details inside a Payment Batch for Sub-Batch and Transaction Level detail

  • [GOV-325] Integration test for batch payment's deduplication

    • Batch files containing duplicate payments will not be processed and an error will be generated.

  • [PHEE-479] Updated the generated signature underlying code with a simpler version

  • [PHEE-477] Create an orb that fetches the docker images and do a helm upgrade

  • [PHEE-490] Publish helm chart with Jira ticket from Circleci

  • [PHEE-496] Update ml-connector config

  • PHEE-485 Single test scenario

  • [PHEE-512] Provide a release for the Mifos Circleci orb

  • [PHEE-516] update-test-with-start-up-test

  • [GOV-78] P2P w/o batch, Fix for ML TC regressions

    • Ability for the government to make a payment to an individual with a MoMo account where the MoMo is a participant of Mojaloop Switch or GSMA Standard

  • [GOV-83] P2G Integration Test, P2G RTP

    • Ability for an individual to pay a government from a bank account (API)

  • [PHEE-520] Fixed: The wrong chart is used by ORB in the integration test repo

  • [GOV-410] API Gateway capabilities (Kong) - Observability

    • Integration test - GET actuator/liveness BP API integration test (Use Hello World Helm Chart to validate declarative configs conceptually first). Kong Admin API based TC Setup - Create Consumer, Register Rate Limiter Plugin with Consumer, Register Service with Consumer with a rate limit & rate limit window at service level. Teardown - Deregister/unlink service with consumer

  • [PHEE-522] Callback sync integration test

  • [GOV-324] Integration Test for GOV-324

    • Batch files should be verified for any errors and validated as per business rules and regulations before it is accepted as a valid bulk payment file.

  • [PHEE-523] Fixed: Voucher Tests

  • [PHEE-494] Add-minio-to-helm-chart to support on Prim Object storage.

Last updated