Released on 14 August 2023
ph-ee-connector-channel: v1.7.0
PHEE-347 FIXED: update Jfrog URLs in all payment hub repos
PHEE-346 CI- Parameterised region for CI configuration
PHEE-370 Resolved check style errors manually
GOV-527 CI Build and push the image to the docker hub
PHEE-378 FIXED: Remove @UtilityClass annotation in channel-connector.
PHEE-374 Documentation Update readme for check style and spotless
ph-ee-importer-rdbms: v1.5.0
PHEE-369 Add outbound message parser in importer-rdbms
GOV-527 CI-Build and Push Docker Image to Docker Hub
PHEE-377 jdk version updated.
ph-ee-importer-es: v1.6.0
PHEE-347 FIXED: update Jfrog URLs in all payment hub repos
PHEE-346 CI-Parameterised region
GOV-527 CI-Docker Image Build and Push to DockerHub
PHEE-382 Upgraded spring boot and Gradle versions
PHEE-384 FIXED: Resolved flush issue and null checker for payer and payee
PHEE-384 FIXED: Resolved masking for payer and payee object and array types
ph-ee-operations-app: v1.6.0
PHEE-347 update Jfrog URLs in all payment hub repos
GOV-527 CI-Build and Push the Docker Image to Dockerhub
PHEE-377 jdk version updated
ph-ee-connector-slcb: v1.3.0
PHEE-347 updated Jfrog URLs in all payment hub repos
ph-ee-zeebe-ops: v1.2.0
PHEE-347 update Jfrog URLs in all payment hub repos
GOV-527 CI -Build and push Image to docker hub
ph-ee-operations-web: v1.4.0
GOV-527 CI-Build and Push Docker Image to Docker-Hub
ph-ee-bulk-processor: v1.7.0
PHEE-347 update Jfrog URLs in all payment hub repos
PHEE-345 Fixed: Fix NPE in bulk processor
PHEE-346 CI- Parameterised region
PHEE-374 Documentation- Update readme for check style and spotless
GOV-527 CI- Build and push docker image to Dockerhub
FIXED- Fix deduplication value fetching from yaml file
Feature: Added liveness route manually to be synced with spring actuator endpoint
CI-Add authentication credentials for docker-executor
ph-ee-connector-ams-paygops: v1.6.1
PHEE-347 update Jfrog URLs in all payment hub repos
ph-ee-connector-ams-pesa: v1.3.1
PHEE-347 update Jfrog URLs in all paymenthub repos
ph-ee-connector-mpesa: v1.6.0
PHEE-347 update Jfrog URLs in all payment hub repos
GOV-527 CI- Build and Push the Docker image to docker hub
PHEE-377 Changed source compatibility
ph-ee-notifications: v1.3.0
PHEE-347 update Jfrog URLs in all payment hub repos
GOV-527 Build and Push Docker Image to DockerHub
PHEE-377 Upgrading Telerevit version
ph-ee-connector-ams-mifos: v1.4.0
PHEE-347 update Jfrog URLs in all paymenthub repos
GOV-527 Build and Push the Docker image to DockerHub
PHEE-377 jdk version update
ph-ee-connector-mojaloop-java: v1.3.0
PHEE-347 update Jfrog URLs in all paymenthub repos
GOV-527 Build and push the Docker Image to Dockerhub
ph-ee-identity-account-mapper: v1.2.0
PHEE-347 update Jfrog URLs in all payment hub repos
GOV-517 Data Scoping for Registering Institution Id
GOV-527Buils and push the image to the docker hub
Changes added to incorporate some API Guidelines
ph-ee-connector-mock-payment-schema: v1.2.0
PHEE-347 update Jfrog URLs in all payment hub repos
GOV-527 Build and Push Docker Image
PHEE-374 Updated readme and Gradle command for CI
ph-ee-connector-gsma-mm: v1.1.0
PHEE-322 Upgraded spring-boot dependency for the startup issue
PHEE-347 update Jfrog URLs in all payment hub repos
PHEE-346 Parameterised region
GOV-526 Build and push Docker image to Dockerhub
Adding tenant specific BPMN and Zeebe variables
message-gateway: v1.1.0
PHEE-295 Generalize message gateway classes for SMS and EMAIL
PHEE-296: Update outboundMessageTable Schema for email service
PHEE-347 update Jfrog URLs in all payment hub repos
GOV-527 Build and push docker image to Dockerhub
PHEE377 Upgrading Telerevit version
message-gateway performance enhancement with Zeebe to work with payment-hub
sms details API added
ph-ee-env-template: v1.9.0
PHEE-356 Increase the request and limit for ams_mifos in env-template
GOV-287 Added kong-admin postman collection
PHEE-358 Add AWS secret and access key for Importer RDBMS
PHEE-363Added gradlew test in CI config for @AMSIntegration suite
PHEE-366Update region and parameterize in contexts
PHEE-376Change S3 bucket name in env-template
GOV-527Update services with Dockerhub image
GOV-287.5 Enable the db for kong & resolved the regression caused
GOV-525 Enable kibana and fix the zeebe broker contact point
Updated Zeebe broker point in Zeebe ops deployment file
Identity Account Mapper deployment charts added
Last updated
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