Sample Pipeline

Purpose of providing the sample pipeline is to ease the process in multiple ways :-

  • Show evidence that the deploy, configure and test scripts mentioned in the installation instructions are in working state.

  • If pipeline secrets are configured in the pipeline tool(eg. CircleCI) and you are using AWS EKS as your cloud, then the scripts using CircleCI orbs need only one change :-

    • Official helm charts and unreleased latest helm chart are currently hosted in file system. Depending on your use case and audience type, take a decision on whether you are setting up for continuous configuration changes and which version/unreleased version you should use.

    • Since CircleCI helm orb doesn't accept a local file system path, deployment step needs a hosted helm chart.You can host you helm chart in you preferred chart hosting method (sample pipeline script shows how to upload to tomcat in amazon linux VM). Here is an alternative way :-

      aws s3 cp test.txt s3://mybucket/test2.txt
    • Note that artifact hub points to index.yaml for the charts. In chart.yaml or/and point CircleCI helm orb to your hosted chart URI.

  • Reference pipeline is AWS specific and corresponding sections for authenticating in to you cloud service provider and getting the kubeconfig have to be replaced. How to replace those sections in the pipeline is outside the scope of the document.

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