Ph-ee-release v1.7.2
ph-ee-connector-common v1.4.0
GOV 289.1 Feature: JWS Interceptor: Implemented JWS Interceptor
GOV-417 Feature: Idempotence: Update Error Dto for
Feature: JWS Interceptor: Included the webMvcConfig for adding interceptor, and configured the x509 certificate
Feature: Identity Account Mapper: Identity Account Mapper DTO
ph-ee-connector-channel :1.5.0
GOV-417 Client CorrelationID Idempotency for APIs with ON-OFF and API selection configuration
Fixed: Publishing as String for custom data for logging
ph-ee-importer-es: v1.4.0
Custom data fields added for inbound transfer API
Removed comments and reconciled fields
ph-ee-operations-app: v1.4.0
PHEE-241 Fixed Error information field parsed into DTO rather than a string
Integrated JsonWebSignature support
Ph-re-connector-mpesa : 1.4.0 -- 1.4.1
Error handling for pay bill added
Fix: Publishing additional variables for pay bill
ph-ee-importer-rdbms :v1.3.0 -- v1.3.1
Added ids for inbound transfer and paybill usecase
Included Tupande and Erply in BPMN processe ids
Fixed- Changed the ids for inbound transfer flow
ph-ee-notifications: v1.1.0
Adding new template variables
Removing the message Gateway worker as part of the message gateway enhancement
ph-ee-connector-ams-mifos: v1.2.2
PHEE-218 Fixed: payee-commit-transfer worker fixed
ph-ee-connector-mojaloop-java: v1.1.0
updated the service to work with the latest stable version of Mojaloop(14.1.0)
ph-ee-identity-account-mapper: v1.0.0 (deployment (helm chart) files are pending)
identity mappers for parties and payment modalities initial release
ph-ee-bulk-processor: v1.5.0
PHEE-223, Fixed: FIXES- PHEE-223 addresses PHEE-222 Updated the external api call headers
GOV-71 Feature: Suggested Callback Time for the API that is Resolved by Polling
ph-ee-env-template: v1.7.0
GOV-440 Feature: Helm Gold standard: separate folder structure for microservice yaml files
GOV-458 Helm Gold Standard: Add service-account yaml files
GOV-417 Config: Helm values for GOV-417 - The Idempotency feature
Documentation: ID mapper API documentation added.
Helm gold standards - Service Separation
Documentation: Mojaloop Postman collection updated
Documentation: Steps to run the Kibana Visualization script
Config: Helm values for Suggested Callback Time that is Resolved by Polling Feature
Redis dependency and Configurations added
Last updated